全国服务热线 13830980563


发布时间: 2016-11-18 15:24 更新时间: 2016-11-18 15:24


  北京精时恒达钟表有限公司是一家专注于钟表维修的现代服务型企业。历经十多年的发展,公司已在华北、华东和华南等地区拥有百多家专业的全国连锁手表维修售后服务中心。同时也是百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、爱彼、宝玑、万国、伯爵、卡地亚、积家、劳力士、芝柏、宝珀、萧邦、 欧米茄等各大世界名表的特约指定维修网点。



  【免费项目】手表消磁 手表防水测试 手表电压检测 手表外观清洗 手表检测快慢 手表表带截取拆装。

  【维修品牌】百达翡丽 朗格 江诗丹顿 积家 宝珀 宝玑 卡地亚 爱彼 伯爵 格拉苏蒂 芝柏 雅典 劳力士 欧米茄 万国 沛纳海 萧邦 尊皇 昆仑 浪琴 豪利时等。

  【服务优势】遍及全国的服务网络 专业的维修技术 透明的维修价格 立等可取的维修效率 电话提前预约可享受9折优惠!

  精时恒达全国百家连锁维修,世界名表维修,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉 、郑州、济南、苏州、等等





  table mirror is the transparent lens inside the wrist unit, protect the watch dial. the above-mentioned lens according to the material market now is mainly plastic glass, quartz glass, sapphire, mirror, etc. relatively speaking, three table mirror material all have advantages and disadvantages: plastic lens relative are not afraid to fall; sapphire table mirror the wear-resisting, high prices; sapphirine crystal although moore is 9 hardness, hardness is second only to diamond, stable physical and chemical properties, there are few items can scratch the table mirror, but relatively fragile; organic glass is easy to scratch, but good toughness and not easily broken; mineral glass anti-wear ability is good, but the ability to resist vertical blow is stronger than the sapphire glass.




  although several different hardness material table mirror, but will face the mirror surface scratch, scratch and other issues. although high hardness sapphire table mirror, only the diamond can cut it in theory, but does not mean that everything is all right, but also to prevent collision and fall break table mirror. for other materials table mirror, also want to prevent hard object contacts wear, mirror once appear, wear and tear scratches, will greatly affect the use of the wrist watch experience.




  for cast by the collision of wrist watch, the table mirror edge horn is prone to collapse, cause the table don't seal the mirror, affect the wrist watch waterproof function, edge collapse can also lead to form mirror into the water, damage of the movement table inside the mirror at the same time also more prone to the dirt.




  how to maintain table mirror?




  prevent hard objects scratch the table mirror, prevent hit to the table mirror and knocks. when the table mirror appear minor scratches and wear, can be in the table on drop a few drops of water on the mirror, daub a few toothpaste, use cotton cloth to wipe back and forth.




  when table mirror appear serious wear and scratches even above the ke purple-black, do not try to solve, must to the watch of wrist of professional maintenance repair, eliminate the potential hazard, to prevent the occurrence of the stain in the wrist watch, water, and so on and so forth.

































watch repair service center





  • 地址:上海 上海市黄浦区南京东路409-459号918室
  • 电话:4006285575
  • 联系人:精时恒达
  • 手机:13830980563
  • QQ:792058328
  • Email:792058328@qq.com